Last week we introduced our analysis of the “mortal head wound” of Revelation 13, highlighting an oft-overlooked fact: the Beast arose with the mortal wound already dealt to one head, and that head had already recovered from the deadly wound at the time the Beast arose. ln our analysis we first showed that the Seven-headed, Ten-horned Beast makes three appearances, each indicating something significant about it: the Beast is Next after the Roman Empire (Revelation 12), Satanic in power (Revelation 13), and geographically and empirically Roman (Revelation 17). The mortal wound is mentioned only three times, and only in Revelation 13. Each time it is mentioned, it is in relation to the object of worship by the people of the world: they worship the Dragon (Revelation 13:4a), the Beast (Revelation 13:4b, 12) and the Image of the Beast (Revelation 13:15). Each time the world is said to worship the Dragon, the Beast or the Image, John places it in the context of that mortal head wound. There is something about that head wound that reveals to us that the power and authority of the next empire after Rome is evil to its core. It is a warning, and as such, we should be able to identify that wounded head and the significance of its recovery from the mortal wound.
But to identify what the head wound is, we must first identify what it is not.